
Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Appreciating Botox Treatments Beyond the Cosmetic and Aesthetic

You’ve seen it time and again: a lady celebrity suddenly looks like she got tighter and firmer skin. She looks flawless, but then it also appears like she’s having difficulty expressing herself, whether by talking or through her facial expressions. It’s botox, you finally figure out.

Commonly, this is the only thing that people think botox is good for. However, to their great surprise, there are a lot more conditions where botox treatment can definitely come in handy. Read more from this blog.

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Resort to Botox if You Suffer from Wrinkles Wrought by Bad Habits

You may know what causes wrinkles, but you may not be aware how some bad habits can also age your skin. How many times during the course of a day do you commit one of the following habits that contribute to wrinkles and aging?

Chewing Gum

Nothing is more embarrassing than bad breath, which is why many people always carry a pack of gum. However, if you constantly chew gum, you may be prone to wrinkles.

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Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Experiencing These Symptoms? Visit a Trusted Endocrinologist for Hormone Treatment

Sometimes, it’s the things you don’t see that most profoundly affect your well-being. Take your hormones, for instance—those invisible drivers of our body’s performance. If you are experiencing the following symptoms, you may be suffering from a hormonal imbalance.

Sleep Disorders

Anyone living with a newborn baby learns very soon that sleep comes sparingly. But, it’s not just the crying and the diaper changes that wake you or keep you awake in the wee hours—a drop in your progesterone levels may also be a contributing factor.

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